KU To Conduct Offline Exams, Datesheets To Be Issued Soon

Srinagar, Jan 28: Kashmir University official on Friday announced that all pending exams of the varsity will be held in “offline” mode and the date sheets will be issued soon. Reacting to the demand of some students including Nursing Students’ who are seeking “online” exams, Controller of Examinations, KU, Prof Irshad A Nawchoo said that all pending and recently-postponed examinations shall be held in “offline” (pen-paper) mode. “No examination shall be held in online mode.”
The University is already in the process of redrafting and issuing datesheets for various pending examinations, which shall commence soon after the pandemic situation eases, he said.
“The University is closely watching the situation and shall possibly issue all datesheets at the earliest to ensure timely declaration of results/ completion of degrees,” he said as per a statement to GNS.
“Students are advised to ready themselves for offline examinations in accordance with the necessary guidelines, policies in vogue,” he said, adding, “Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) shall be strictly adhered to during the conduct of said examinations.”
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He said students, in their own interest, must frequently visit the University website to know their datesheets, as and when these are uploaded.
“The University is committed to work in the best interests of students, who are our primary stakeholders, keeping in view their future prospects without compromising, in any manner, the sanctity of Examinations,” he added.
For more details about KU To Conduct Offline Exams, Datesheets To Be Issued Soon. You can also visit Kashmir University Official Website .