JKBOSE Important Notification regarding Scheme of Assessment For Class 11th and 12th

JKBOSE Important Notification regarding Scheme of Assessment For Class 11th and 12th

Jkbose Scheme of Assessment For Class 11th and 12th

As a matter of fact, the Annual (Regular) Examinations of Secondary School Examination (Class 10″), Higher Secondary Part-1 (Class 11th) and Higher Secondary Part-ll (Class 12th) are conducted in the last week of October, 2018 in Kashmir
Division/Winter Zone areas of Jammu Division including Leh & Kargil districts. In this connection, Joint Secretary Exam/nation/Secrecy, K.D/J.D is informed about the
Scheme of Assessment of subjects involving practical’s of Higher Secondary Part-1st (Class 11th). The detailed list of scheme of Assessment/examination i.e. (Marks
distribution of Theory/practical’s (Internal/External/Project works etc) is enclosed for reference & record.

Moreover, the students who have to appear in revised History subject (Introduction of World History), the question paper weightage shall be 90 marks for theory and 10 marks for internal assessment (project work). The candidates who have been allowed to appear in pre-revised (Old Course) History subject of class 11

for this session 2018 only as one tinie exception, the Question paper weightage shall be out of 100 marks.There is no any project work (Practical part) in old version

Besides, in case of Higher Secondary Part-/l (Class 12th), the stüdents who
have to appear in revised History subject, the weightage shall be out of 80 marks for theory and 20 marks for internal assessment (project work). It is to mention, that the students who appear in History pre-revised (old version syllabus), the question paper will be out of 100 marks.

Full Notification Click Here.

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