JKBOSE 10th 12th 2023 Result Date Update By JKBOSE Chairman.

The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has made it clear that they are currently in the process of preparing the results for the annual regular exams of the 10th and 12th grades for the year 2023.
Dr. Parikshat Singh Manhas, the Chairman of the Board, has emphasized that there are rumors circulating on social media and other platforms about the result announcement, but no official date has been announced yet.
Also Read: Class 10th and 12th Exam Results to be Declared On this Date: Officials
He advised students and parents not to pay attention to these rumors.
According to a notification from JKBOSE, the annual board exams for classes 10th to 12th in hard zones were scheduled to begin on April 8th, and the results for all divisions and the Union Territory of Ladakh, including hard zones, are expected to be announced simultaneously in the month of June.
This year, there has been a change in the exam schedule, as the exams were conducted in the March-April session instead of the usual November-December session.
Also Read:
- JKBOSE Important Notifications Regarding Results. Check Here
- JKBOSE CLASS 10th Passing Marks of All Subjects.
- JKBOSE- CLASS 11th Passing Marks of All SUBJECTS
- JKBOSE- CLASS 12th Passing Marks of All SUBJECTS
JKBOSE 10th 12th 2023 Result Date Update By JKBOSE Chairman.
We request students to stay away from fake news and focus on your study. JKBOSE will declare results very soon on official website, we will notify you on our WhatsApp Groups and Telegram channel.