JKBOSE Re-Evaluation /Xerox for Class 12th Annual Regular 2021
Jammu and Kashmir State Board Of School Education

NOTIFICATION It is notified for information of the eligible candidates of Higher Secondary Part-find Examination (Class 12th), Annual, Regular, 2021 of KASHMIR DIVISION desirous of obtaining the Xerox copy/ies of their answer Script/s and getting their answer script/s Re-Evaluated should apply online for the same on JKBOSE official website WWW.jkbose.nic and the link for the same shall open from 11-02-2022.
The last date for the submission of online applications for obtaining the Xerox of answer script/s is 25th February 2022 and for the Re-evaluation of answer scripts is 03rd March 2022.
Instruction note: After filling the form the candidate should ensure the deposition of fee either online and keep the counter/receipt of fee for his/her own record and reference and the
candidate stroutd not come to the Board Office for the subnii5siun of the fee receipt. Further
The list/s for collection of Xerox copies of answer scripts shall be uploaded in phased manner on the BOSE website.
Also Read:- JKBOSE Class 12th Topper List 2021 | Kashmir Division. Check Here.
JKBOSE Re-Evaluation /Xerox for Class 12th Annual Regular 2021