JKBOSE 10th, 11th, 12th Exam forms Annual Regular 2023, Online Links Activated – Apply here

JKBOSE 10th Exam Forms Annual Regular 2023, Link Activated, apply now
Subject: Schedule for submission of online Examination Forms for Secondary
School (Class 10th), Annual (Regular) 2023, Examination by eligible students of UT of
J&K/UT of Ladakh (currently on rolls in schools falling in Soft as well as Hard Zones*). Apply online Click Below:
JKBOSE Class 11th Guess/Model Test Papers For All Subjects 2022
Apply here – Examination Form, Class 10th Regular 2023
JKBOSE 10th Exam Forms: It is notified for the information of all the stakeholders that the students, who are currently on rolls in Class 10th in the academic institutions affiliated with J&K BOSE (located both in Soft and Hard zone areas* of the UT’s of J&K and Ladakh) and are eligible to appear in Annual (Regular) examination 2023, shall submit their EXAMINATION FORMS online at JKBOSE website www.jkbose.nic in as per the following schedule.
It is notified for information of all the concerned stakeholders that the students, who are currently on rolls in Higher Secondary Part-I & II (Class 11th & 12th) in the academic institutions affiliated with J&K BOSE (located both in Soft and Hard
Zone areas of the UT’s of J&K and Ladakh) and are eligible to appear in Annual
(Regular) examination 2023, shall submit their RENEWAL REGISTRATION RETURNS and EXAMINATION FORMS Online at JKBOSE website www.jkbose.nic.in as per the following schedule.
The examination for students of schools falling in Soft zone areas shall be
conducted in March and for students of schools falling in Hard zone areas shall be
conducted in April.