GDSC Google Certification 2022 Compose Camp Android Study Jam

Today I am going to share a fantastic opportunity from Google Developer Students Clubs, launched a GDSC Certified Event, with Free Google Swags & Hoodies. The event named as Compose Camp Android Study Jam-Session 2, one of the best Free Android Development Course online.

About GDSC

Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) are groups for college and university students who are interested in Google developer technologies. Students from any undergraduate or graduate program who want to learn more about how to develop software are welcome. GDSC comes at the right time to give eager learners a chance to learn something new and possibly win Google swag.

About the GDSC Certified Event- Compose Camp Android Study Jam-Session 2

At this event, you learn how to use Compose to make Android apps. You will learn about the paths and the content.

Event Dates:

☑️DAY 1: 11 September 2022

☑️DAY 2: 18 September 2022

☑️DAY 3: 25 September 2022

☑️DAY 4: 3 October 2022

Perks & Benefits

🔷Google Developer Student Club will give a Participation and Completion certificate to everyone who completes.

🔷Get a chance to win Google Swags.


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