Srinagar Jan 5: The J&K Board of School Education on Wednesday said that the concluding paper of Class 11 examination 2921 scheduled today will be held as per schedule.
Joint Secretary Administration at the JKBOSE confirmed to Greater Kashmir that they have not postponed today’s examination as is being speculated among the students due to inclement weather conditions prevalent in Kashmir.
This year’s class 11 examination commenced on December 18 and are set to culminate today.
Also Read: JKBOSE Result 10th Class 2021 @jkbose.ac.in: Name And Roll Number Wise
The Srinagar office of the Meteorological Department on Tuesday issued an ‘orange alert’ in Kashmir saying the prevalent rains and snowfall are expected to intensify in coming days.
In view of the impending bad weather, the MET office urged people not to venture out on avalanche and landslide prone areas, unless extremely necessary.
“Keep power/light back up( in case of power failure),” the MET office said in the handout while urging motorists to drive “very slowly and in low gear while driving on snow bound area,” the weatherman said in an advisory.
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