CBSE Class 12 Result Term 1 2023: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) term 1 results are likely to be out this week. According to an official of the board, Class 12 term 1 results are expected by Friday, and Class 10 results will be announced after that. Preparations for results are almost complete and the board will release the official notification mentioning the CBSE term 1 result date and time soon, the official added. CBSE Class 12 Result Term 1 2023 LIVE: Term 1 Result Likely Today.
CBSE 10th, 12th Term 1 Results 2023: According to an official of the board, Class 12 term 1 results are expected by Friday, and Class 10 results will be announced after that.

Students can use, or to download CBSE term 1 result mark sheets. To download CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 results, students can use their roll number and school number. Class 10 result link will be available as “School Certificate Examination (Class X) Results 2022-23” and Class 12 results as “Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII) Results 2022-23”.
Read More: CBSE Term 1 Result 2021:
CBSE Class 12 Result Term 1 – Overview
Board Name | Central board of secondary education (CBSE) |
Examination | CBSE term 1 12th class 2023 exams |
Academic Year | 2022-2023 |
Results Release Date | Expected (February 4th week 2023) |
Results Release Status | not yet released |
Official Website | or |
CBSE 12th Board Result 2023 Date
The board has announced that the 12th result 2023 CBSE term 1 will be officially released by February first week 2023. The results will be available for all students who appeared in the exam on the CBSE official website, Students have to log in using their roll numbers on their exam hall tickets to check their CBSE 12th term 1 result. However, the final CBSE class 12 result for class 12 students will only be announced after the Term 2 exam, taking into account the CBSE class 12th result for Term 2. The final CBSE result 2022 will also decide whether a student passed or failed the exam and whether they can appear in the compartment examination.
Result Link will be Available Here in a Few Hours
Class 12 CBSE Term 1 Result (re-evaluation & compartment exam date)
When the CBSE announces the class 12 term 1 result, the examination board will also announce the dates for revaluation. However, compartment exam details for term 1 will not be announced until after the term 2 examinations in April 2022. Following the release of the final CBSE result 2023, students who failed the compartment exam will be able to reappear for the compartment exam.
In the case of revaluation, students who are not satisfied with their marks in the exam can fill in a form and pay a fee of Rs 500 per subject. After releasing the results, students will have 5-6 days to submit their revaluation forms.
The paper will be re-evaluated, and the marks will be updated accordingly in case of any changes. For revaluation, the papers will be rechecked. If there is any counting error while totaling the marks, corrections will be made. Suppose any changes are made after the revaluation. In that case, a fresh mark sheet will be issued to students by the examination board.
Students can expect the compartment exam for class 12 to be conducted in June 2023. All students who failed to score a passing grade for term 1 and term 2 exams can attempt the exam again. Students will be required to pay a fee to appear in the compartment exam depending on how many subjects they need to appear in.
On the result day, the direct links will be displayed on the homepage of and the DigiLocker app. They can also use the UMANG app for CBSE results. The board conducted term 1 results in November-December. The results were expected in February but are finally being announced in March. Over 36 lakh students appeared in the term 1 CBSE Class 10th, and 12th exams.
Term 2 CBSE board exams will begin on April 26. The date sheets will be released on In term-2 exams, students will answer both objective and subjective type questions.